Blatherings of a Data Monkey

My thoughts, ramblings, ideas and opinions. There isn't really a theme to it all. It's just what I feel like writing at the moment. You might get beaten down with poetry, hot sports opinions or just verbal diarrhaea.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New things to read

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So... uh....

It's been a while since I posted, but it doesn't matter, since nobody reads it. Meh, I enjoy it, so who cares.

Layoffs sucks. So does closing over half of you stores. Too bad that isn't who I work for. Oh wait...

Friday, January 05, 2007

A live blogging event from a genius blog.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Scattershooting while wondering what happened to Theo Fleury...

- I've got a pretty solid Wii Sports injury. I think I strained something in my neck or shoulder. It makes sitting at my desk at work even more uncomfortable. I think this makes me officially a lazy bum. Well... I was lazy before, but now I'm an out-of-shape lump of a bum.

- Here's my Wii code for all you other Wiiners out there. If you add me, post your code in the comments.

7810 8591 1284 5287

- The new Gwen Stefani CD- The Sweet Escape- isn't as bad as the critics are making it out to be. Go download tracks "Yummy" and "The Sweet Escape" and tell me they aren't catchy and fun.

- Showtime's "Sleeper Cell" is great. I'm only three episodes into the first season, but I can't stop watching it. It's much scarier than "Jericho."

- I just want to give Bill Parcells a hug. I think he needs one. I love the guy, but I hope he gets replaced next year. Maybe Jim Mora, Jr. will need a gig.

-My cube is boring.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I've got to stop talking to my dogs.

I got this blog thing up and running so I could communicate with my friends out there. But what do I do everyday? I come home, see my family, play with the dogs and then sleep. Repeat that every damn day. It's like cabin fever with no end in sight.

I miss all my friends terribly. I've lost touch with most people I know here in Dallas. I've got to get away. I've got to go somewhere. I've got to grow up and be alone. I've got to sink or swim. Fight or flight. I can't do that while I live at home. I can't be myself.

It's not like I'm confident to be myself somewhere else. The first time I moved away, I had a breakdown and came home less than a week later. Nice start. The second time, I had a roomie and that made it easier. Maybe the easy way out isn't what I need at this quarter life crisis point.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Beginning

Stay tuned. Bloggy goodness coming soon.